OpenSats Grants Long-Term Support for Daniele

"OpenSats is pleased to announce that Daniele is joining our roster of long-term support grantees for his contributions to the Nostr ecosystem," announced the organization.

OpenSats Grants Long-Term Support for Daniele
  • Daniele works to enhance Nostr projects' accessibility, usability, and scalability. Key contributor to Gossip, Coracle, Njump, Oracolo, go-nostr, nostr-ruby, and window.nostr.js. He's also involved in the Nostr Design initiative to improve user experience.
  • With this grant, Daniele will refine Gossip and Coracle's user experience, explore group and community applications, develop marketplace NIPs and support apps, and create a new onboarding tool.

Consider making a donation to OpenSats The Nostr Fund to support important Nostr protocol contributors. OpenSats is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, so all gifts and donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.

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