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OpenSats Issues Fourth Wave of Nostr Grants

"More grants. More NIPs. More freedom."

OpenSats Issues Fourth Wave of Nostr Grants

"In addition to the 32 nostr grants announced in the past, we are giving out 7 more grants to the following nostr projects," was announced in OpenSats blog.

  • "Lume is a cross-platform nostr desktop client focused on creating a unique communication and content browsing experience. Lume aims to be extendable and customizable, allowing users to easily install extensions and use various themes."
  • "Flockstr is a calendar events app on nostr. Users are able to create events, post updates, invite other users, issue tickets, collect payments, and pretty much everything that is commonplace on centralized platforms like Eventbrite and"
  • "Camelus is an Android client that focuses on ease-of-use and content delivery. One design choice is to remove addicting features such as likes, pull to refresh, and other dark patterns that are designed to keep you addicted. While the client is currently focused on short kind:1 notes, support for long-form content and communities is to be added in future versions."
  • "noStrudel is a fast and feature-rich web client that is focused on power users and developers. While it is not geared towards complete newcomers, it might help curious users learn more about how nostr works under the hood."
  • "ZapThreads is a standalone component that provides threaded comments for nostr clients. It allows a commenting experience on any nostr event, including long-form notes. ZapThreads is currently integrated into,,, and other nostr apps."
  • NIP-44 Cryptography Audit. "While nostr allows for encrypted direct messages to be sent, the current NIP-04 standard has significant flaws that NIP-44 aims to address. Cryptography is hard, however, which is why NIP-44 underwent an independent audit covered by this grant. The result of the audit is available as a PDF and the issues found will be addressed in the coming weeks."
  • NIP-90 Data Vending Machine Framework. "Data Vending Machines (DVMs) are a way to perform a variety of automated tasks over nostr, i.e. get something (computationally expensive) done in exchange for sats. Thanks to NIP-90, nostr can act as a marketplace for data processing, where users can request jobs to be processed without having to care about "who" processes the data."

"Our nostr grants are sourced from The Nostr Fund. If you would like to help us in supporting the nostr ecosystem, consider making a donation to the fund."

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