Padawan Wallet v0.13.0: Portuguese Language, Migration to Signet
Padawan is a testnet-only bitcoin wallet trainer on Android. It aims to be a self-study tool, getting its users acquainted with the usual workflow and basic jargon of mobile wallets in a risk-free environment perfect for experimentation and learning.

- "This version adds support for the app entirely in Portuguese! Also new are a better screen for tutorials and migration to Signet," announced the project.
"Previous coins you had in Padawan were Testnet 3, which has been unusable for months. The new version uses Signet. Note that installing the new version of the app will break your currently installed app if you have one. Uninstall the app from your phone before installing this new version! Please file bug reports and send us screenshots of any UI issues."
What's changed
- Move codebase to KMP structure by @thunderbiscuit in #344
- Translate to portuguese Chapter1.xml by @docelimao in #363
- Translate to portuguese Chapter3.xml by @docelimao in #366
- Padawan kmp by @thunderbiscuit in #368
- chapter4.xml by @docelimao in #370
- Translation to portuguese and minor fixes by @docelimao in #373
- Chore: Update bdk-android to 1.0.0-alpha.13 by @thunderbiscuit in #375