Releases Phoenix Wallet v2.4.0 & Server v0.4.0: New Open Protocol for ACINQ LSP This is a major release for Phoenix Android, iOS, and Server (phoenixd). It makes these projects compatible with the new open protocol now used by ACINQ LSP.
Daily Roundup Good Morning, Bitcoin - Thursday, October 10th, 2024 Good Morning, Bitcoin is your daily news roundup delivering key stories, project updates, new releases, guides, research, and all things related to Bitcoin and freedom tech.
News Bitcoin Core Discloses Three Vulnerabilities Affecting Versions Before v25.0 Disclosed vulnerabilities include a blocktxn remote node crash (CVE-2024-35202), an issue with mutated blocks hindering block propagation, and a node communication issue due to inv-to-send sets growing too large.
Releases Bitcoin Core v28.0: Testnet4, Full RBF by Default & More Bitcoin Core 28.0 is the latest major release of predominant Bitcoin full node implementation.
Daily Roundup Good Morning, Bitcoin - Wednesday, October 9th, 2024 Good Morning, Bitcoin is your daily news roundup delivering key stories, project updates, new releases, guides, research, and all things related to Bitcoin and freedom tech.
Weekly Digest Block 864476: Important News of the Week News. Updates. Research. Stats. Everything Important You Need to Know.
Releases Alby Go v1.6.0: Security Settings, Link Handling Support Alby Go is a simple Lightning mobile wallet interface for bitcoin payments over the Lightning Network. It works well with Alby Hub or any other Nostr Wallet Connect (NWC) wallet services. Available on iOS and Android.
Daily Roundup Good Morning, Bitcoin - Thursday, October 3rd, 2024 Good Morning, Bitcoin is your daily news roundup delivering key stories, project updates, new releases, guides, research, and all things related to Bitcoin and freedom tech.
Releases Nunchuk Android v1.9.52 & iOS v1.9.55: Decoy Wallets The latest release for Nunchuk mobile apps include decoy wallet functionality, a revamped Security PIN, the ability to mark used addresses, export transaction history as PDF, and more.
Releases Diamond Wallet: Lightning Wallet with Bolt Link & sats4ads Functionality Diamond Wallet is a self-custodial Lightning wallet from Japan and Asia built using the Breez SDK and nodes from Blockstream's Greenlight.
Releases Gossip v0.12.0: Bookmarks, Per-Relay Feeds & More Gossip is a highly performant and security-oriented desktop client for Nostr. Available on Windows, MacOS and Linux.
Releases JAM v0.3.0: Freeze, Unfreeze, Review UTXOs Before Sending Jam is a web interface for JoinMarket focusing on user-friendliness and ease-of-use. It aims to provide sensible defaults and be easy to use for beginners while still having the features advanced users expect.