Daily Roundup Good Morning, Bitcoin - Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024 Good Morning, Bitcoin is your daily news roundup delivering key stories, project updates, new releases, guides, research, and all things related to Bitcoin and freedom tech.
Releases Nostur v1.16.0: Nostr Nests Integration, Live Streams & More Nostur is a nostr client for Apple devices.
Releases Minibits v0.1.9-beta: Performance Improvements & Themes Minibits is a mobile e-cash wallet with a focus on performance and usability. Available on Android.
Releases Volt Wallet v0.4.5-beta.1: Fixes & Improvements Volt is a mobile descriptor-based "Financial Freedom Wallet" that focuses on self-custody, privacy and sleek UI/UX. Available on Android.
Releases ONOSENDAI: Cyberspace Meta-Protocol Built on Nostr ONOSENDAI is an experimental Nostr client that visualizes the protocol in 3D space. It aims to be the reference implementation of a cyberspace protocol, powered by Bitcoin and Nostr.
Daily Roundup Good Morning, Bitcoin - Monday, September 30th, 2024 Good Morning, Bitcoin is your daily news roundup delivering key stories, project updates, new releases, guides, research, and all things related to Bitcoin and freedom tech.
Releases Live Wallet v0.9.0: Windows and Linux Redhat Builds Live Wallet is a desktop app that helps users understand the current and future fee burden of their UTXOs. Available on Linux, macOS, and Windows.
Releases OCEAN Unveils Decentralized Alternative Templates for Universal Mining (DATUM) Similar to Stratum V2, DATUM is designed to decentralize block construction by empowering miners to create their own block templates via their own Bitcoin node. Users can mine on pools that offer Datum support or solo mine without needing a third party to set up a server for them.
Releases Amethyst v0.92.1: Tor & Transient Accounts Amethyst is a free and open source Nostr client for Android.
News OpenSats Issues Second Wave of Education Grants "We are pleased to announce our latest round of grants aimed at supporting educational projects that are enhancing the understanding and adoption of Bitcoin worldwide," announced the organization.
Releases Ark v0.3.0: VTXO Tree Signing, Simplified Onboarding Process Ark is a layer-two protocol designed to scale Bitcoin transactions.
Releases Krux v24.09.1: WonderMV Support, Performance Improvements & More Krux is open-source firmware that enables anyone to build their own Bitcoin signing device via off-the-shelf parts. It runs on Kendryte K210 devices such as the M5StickV and Maix Amigo, turning them into airgapped devices that can sign transactions for multisignature and single-signature wallets.