Daily Roundup Good Morning, Bitcoin - Thursday, September 19th, 2024 Good Morning, Bitcoin is your daily news roundup delivering key stories, project updates, new releases, guides, research, and all things related to Bitcoin and freedom tech.
Releases Sparrow Wallet v2.0.0: SLIP39 Shares Recovery, New Hardware Wallets & More Sparrow Wallet v2.0.0 is here. It introduces the ability to recover SLIP39 shares, support for Trezor Safe 5, Ledger Stax, and Ledger Flex, and an update to Java and JavaFX 22, among many other improvements.
Releases Liana v7.0: Liana Connect, Electrum Support & More Liana is a Bitcoin wallet that uses miniscript output descriptors, with extensive use of relative timelocks (OP_CSV). It features a timelocked recovery path for all your coins and can be used for inheritance, decaying multisigs and generally safer backups. Available on Windows, Mac and Linux.
Daily Roundup Good Morning, Bitcoin - Wednesday, September 18th, 2024 Good Morning, Bitcoin is your daily news roundup delivering key stories, project updates, new releases, guides, research, and all things related to Bitcoin and freedom tech.
News Cathedra Bitcoin Shifts Focus from Mining to Bitcoin Acquisition Strategy After seven years in the mining business, Canadian Bitcoin miner Cathedra Bitcoin (CBIT) is altering its focus. The company is now shifting to developing data centers and plans to use the profits to purchase bitcoin instead of mining it.
News Free Samourai: 8TB+ of Discovery, Motion to Dismiss Charges, Rodriguez's Bail Modifications Denied Samourai Wallet developers Keonne Rodriguez and William Lonergan Hill attended a pre-trial hearing in the Southern District of New York. Defense attorneys argued that Samourai Wallet does not constitute a money transmitting business. Rodriguez's request to modify his bail conditions was denied.
News HRF Bitcoin Development Fund Grants 10 BTC to 20 Projects Worldwide The Human Rights Foundation (HRF) announced 1 billion satoshis (10 BTC) in grants from its Bitcoin Development Fund.
News First Maelstrom Bitcoin Developer Grant Awarded to Rkrux Arthur Hayes's Maelstrom family office granted its first Bitcoin developer award to Rkrux, enabling him to work full-time on Bitcoin Core open-source contributions.
Daily Roundup Good Morning, Bitcoin - Tuesday, September 17th, 2024 Good Morning, Bitcoin is your daily news roundup delivering key stories, project updates, new releases, guides, research, and all things related to Bitcoin and freedom tech.
Releases Keychat App v1.19.7: nSec Login, Medium Groups Keychat is a private chat app, built on ecash (cashu), Nostr Protocol and Signal Protocol. Available on Android.
Releases Keeper Desktop v0.1.1: Cross-platform Support Keeper Desktop is a secure, cross-platform desktop app for using hardware wallets with the Bitcoin Keeper mobile app. Available on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Releases Dana Wallet: Mobile Silent Payments Wallet for Bitcoin Donations This is the first public release of Dana wallet: a simple silent payment-native bitcoin wallet. Available on Android.