Releases Envoy v1.7.0: Buy Bitcoin, Redeem BTCPay Vouchers & More Envoy is a free and open source mobile Bitcoin wallet and a companion app for Passport signing device. It can also be used a standalone Bitcoin mobile wallet.
Releases Braiins Launched Mini Miner BMM 100 Bitcoin mining tech provider Braiins launched its Mini Miner BMM 100 for home miners at BTC Prague 2024.
News LND Versions Prior to v0.17.0 Vulnerable to LND Onion Bomb DoS Attack "If you are running an LND release older than this, your funds are at risk! Update to at least v0.17.0 to protect your node."
Releases Tails v6.4: Random Seed on USB Stick to Strengthen Cryptography Tails is a portable operating system that protects against surveillance and censorship.
Releases umbrelOS v1.2: Wi-Fi Support, Revamped Live Usage umbrelOS is a home server OS for self-hosting with an app store.
News Going Dark: EU Council to Greenlight 'Moderated' Chat Control on June 20 "If Chat Control is endorsed by Council now, experience shows there is a great risk it will be adopted at the end of the political process," writes Patrick Breyer of The European Pirate Party.
Releases Trezor Introduced Safe 5 Signing Device Signing device manufacturer Trezor introduced its new flagship Safe 5 signing device at BTC Prague 2024. The device is priced at $169 and comes with either Bitcoin-only firmware or multicoin support. The company also launched a new Trezor Expert onboarding service for new customers.
Releases Bitcoin Core v27.1: Bug Fixes & Performance Improvements Bitcoin Core is the original Bitcoin client that builds the backbone of the network. It downloads and, by default, stores the entire history of Bitcoin transactions.
Weekly Digest Block 848017: Important News of the Week News. Updates. Research. Stats. Everything Important You Need to Know.
Releases Bitcoin Optech #307: Draft BIP for Quantum-safe Address Format This issue announces a draft BIP for a quantum-safe Bitcoin address format and includes regular sections of the newsletter.
Releases Ride The Lightning v0.15.1-beta: UX Enhancements, Bug Fixes Ride The Lighning is a full function, device agnostic, web user interface to help manage lightning node operations. Available on LND, Core Lightning and Eclair.
Releases CivKit Alpha Released with P2P Order Book, Escrow and PGP Chat for Trades CivKit aims to enable decentralized P2P trading without a central order book, using Nostr, Lightning, and a reputation system at its core.