Payjoin (PDK) v0.13.0: Improved Taproot, V2 & Receiver Error Handling Support
Rust-payjoin is a library and a client binary for bitcoind implementing BIP78 Payjoin. PDK makes Payjoin support easy for any wallet or service and save significant fees as a result.

- "
improves taproot and v2 payjoin support for integration with downstream projects. Much improved response error handling thanks to @jbesraa's persistence."
What's new
- Parse json errors from the receiver into WellKnown or other ResponseErrors
- Fixed problem where outdated OHTTP Config issue was unclear (#153)
- Support Taproot PSBT field clearing and validation (#157)
- Build v2 docs
Selected PRs
- Supply & parse receiver response errors by @jbesraa in #120
- Support taproot PSBTs by @DanGould in #147
- Fix #154
by @DanGould in #155
Full Changelog: payjoin-0.12.0...payjoin-0.13.0