Peach Bitcoin v0.2.9: Fund Escrow from Peach Wallet, Increased Performance
Peach Bitcoin is a KYC-free, peer-to-peer Bitcoin marketplace for Europe. Open Beta available on Android and iOS.

- "With this release we updated to the latest @bitcoindevkit via bdk-rn," said the apps co-founder @capoczino.
- "Shout out to @BitcoinZavior and StaxoLotl for bringing bdk to react-native!"
- "This enables us to ship RBF next."

What's new
- Update bdk-rn.
- Fund escrow from Peach wallet.
- Improve app startup time.
- Peach en français!
- Featured events/meetups.
- French PM: no fees for a month (from 21.06 on).
🔐😎Look how fast, how smooth it is to publish a sell offer with sats locked in escrow. You can now fund your sell offer in exactly 6 clicks from one single app!
— Peach 🇨🇭 (@peachbitcoin) June 21, 2023
- Back navigation buy/sell flow.
- Trade breakdown shows 0 value.
- Payment method details: currencies should all be the same size.
- No collaborative cancel when payment is too late.
- Only show confirm payment slider if timer didn't run out.
- Misc fixes.