RaspiBlitz v1.11.1: WebUI Setup & Recovery Redesign

RaspiBlitz is a do-it-yourself (DIY) Bitcoin and Lightning node running on a RaspberryPi 4 & 5 with a nice display for easy setup and monitoring.

RaspiBlitz v1.11.1: WebUI Setup & Recovery Redesign
  • "Version 1.11.1 of RaspiBlitz released with a redesign of the WebUI setup process. Many updates: LNbits 0.12.8, Specter Desktop 2.0.4, BTCPayServer 1.13.0, acme 3.0.7, lndmanage 0.16.0 .. and lots of fixes," announced @rootzoll.
  • If you are happy with the new release please consider a small donation for the team at https://raspiblitz.org/#donation, added the developer.

What's new

  • New: Set Timezone SSHMENU > SYSTEM > TIME (details).
  • New: Labelbase 2.2.1 (details).
  • New: Redesign WebUI Setup & Recovery.
  • Update: amd64 base image: debian-12.6.0-amd64-netinst.iso
  • Update: LNbits 0.12.8 (details).
  • Update: Specter Desktop 2.0.4 with reactivated UPDATE option (details).
  • Update: BTCPayServer 1.13.0 (details).
  • Update: acme.sh 3.0.7 (repair duckdns.org dyndns).
  • Update: show progress of electrs building index on LCD.
  • Update: lndmanage 0.16.0 (details).
  • Update: Lightning Terminal v0.12.5-alpha (details).
  • Update: PyBlock 2.7.2 (details).
  • Update: Bitcoin Core 27.1 (as tested update) (details).
  • Experimental: charge-lnd install script (details).
  • Experimental: config.scripts/lnd.signaddress.sh to easy sign messages on addresses on LND (details).
  • Experimental: config.scripts/bonus.elements.sh install elements blockchain platform (details).
  • Deprecated: Sphinx-Relay (details).
  • Remove: AutoPilot & Keysend from SSH menus (details).
  • Remove: Tallycoin-Connect (see service shutdown).
  • Remove: IP2Tor Shoplist (details).
  • Remove: CopyStation Script (details).

Announcement / Archive
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