RaspiBlitz v1.11.3: Public Pool, Telegraf Metrics & Tailscale
RaspiBlitz is a do-it-yourself (DIY) Bitcoin and Lightning node running on a RaspberryPi 4 & 5 with a nice display for easy setup and monitoring.

- This version is optimized to run on plain Debian 12 Linux for Proxmox/VM and x86 systems, said rootzoll.
- It also packages Public Pool for solo mining, Telegraf for Grafana monitoring, Tailscale for remote connections, ability to connect Zeus to CLN via CLNrest, and various other fixes and improvements.
What's new
- New: Publicpool - Open Source Solo Bitcoin Mining (SSH Menu).
- New: Tailscale (SSH menu > SETTINGS).
- New: Telegraf Metrics for InfluxDB/Grafana (SSH menu > SETTINGS).
- New: Connect Zeus to CLN via CLNrest (using the clnrest plugin and runes).
- Update: Core Lightning v24.08.1.
- Update: Thunderhub v0.13.31.
- Update: LNDK 0.2.0 (Pay BOLT12 offers with LND).
- Update: Helipad (Podcasting 2.0 Boostagram reader) v0.2.0.
- Update: Mempool 3.0.0.
- Update: Balance of Satoshis 19.3.4 (bos).
- Update: Labelbase 2.2.2.
- Update: LNbits 0.12.11.
- Update: RTL v0.15.2.
- Update: Jam (JoinMarket Web UI) v0.3.0.
- Update: CLBOSS 0.13.3.
- Update: Electrum Server in Rust (electrs) v0.10.6.