Ronin UI v2.3.0: New Pairing Page
Ronin UI is an easy to use user interface for privacy-focused, free and open-source RoninDojo Bitcoin node.

- "We are happy to announce the release of Ronin UI v2.3.0. This time it's a smaller release as we want to continue making smaller and more stable releases more often instead of large ones."
- "The main addition is a new Pairing page. This page will help users to easily choose if they want to pair with their Dojo, Electrum server and in the near future @SamouraiWallet Whirlpool. Making it even easier to use your node with your @SparrowWallet or any other wallet that supports Electrum personal server."
"This is but a first step in dividing our UI into logical parts that will help our users navigate the UI and carry out certain tasks more easily."
- "There's a couple of usual things: updated dependencies and a few minor optimizations. There's also some small fixes and a new update message for users still on RoninDojo v1.x.x."
- "This UI streamlining will continue and it wouldn't be possible without our support team and our community that continue giving us feedback. Thank you all."
- "You can help support continued development by picking up a Tanto today! 10% off - coupon: laborday."
What's new
- added new Pairing page
- display local network pairing values for Fulcrum
- fixed Address Tool display quirks
- updated dependencies
- added proper upgrade instructions for RD 1.x.x users
- fetch Dojo admin key separately
- optimized RD status endpoint