Ride The Lightning v0.15.1-beta: UX Enhancements, Bug Fixes

Ride The Lighning is a full function, device agnostic, web user interface to help manage lightning node operations. Available on LND, Core Lightning and Eclair.

Ride The Lightning v0.15.1-beta: UX Enhancements, Bug Fixes
  • This is a minor release with UX enhancements, bug fixes and Angular upgrade to v18.

NOTE: minimum nodejs version required with this release is v18.19.0.

What's new

  • Integration with mempool.space api to display prevailing fee rates on various channel open/close modals.
  • Links enabled for viewing transactions on mempool.space from modals of on-chain transactions and channel info.
  • Added a new config param blockExplorerUrl to customize for a local/testnet instances of mempool.space.

LND updates:

  • CPFP enabled on pending on-chain receive transactions (including funds expected from coop close).
  • Simplification of pending channel open fee bumping modal.

Eclair updates:

  • Compatibility with version 0.10.0.

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