Satellite CDN: Scalable Media Hosting For The Nostr Ecosystem Nostr client developer Stuart Bowman shared a media hosting prototype for the Nostr ecosystem. The client is now fully open source.

Satellite CDN: Scalable Media Hosting For The Nostr Ecosystem
  • "Announcing Satellite CDN: Scalable media hosting for the nostr ecosystem!"
  • "I feel like a "native" nostr solution for hosting and streaming large videos could really help with adoption and I'm curious about how Satellite can support specific use cases."
  • API docs can be found here.
  • In related news, Nostr web client is now fully open-source.

Key features

  • Upload video and other large files, up to 5 GB each.
  • Simple flat-rate pricing, buy storage with sats.
  • "Storage space on the CDN is pre-paid at a flat rate of $0.05 USD per gigabyte per month. Data transfer (aka "bandwidth") is free and unlimited. You can use the up/down arrows to specify the amount of credit you'd like to add to your account."
  • Fast, free and unlimited data transfer.
  • Integrated NIP-94 censorship resistance.
  • Developer-friendly API.

Announcement / Archive
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