Shakepay Leaked Some of Its Customer Information
Canadian KYC Bitcoin app disclosed a security breach affecting at least some of its users.

- "On December 13, 2023, we detected suspicious activity on an employee’s work device. Our security team launched an investigation as part of our incident response protocol and immediately locked, deauthenticated, and offboarded this device."
"Our investigation revealed that, between March and December 13, 2023, a malicious actor was able to extract the personal information of a very small number of our customers."
- "We suspect that the following personal information may have been part of the breach: name, email, address, date of birth, phone number, occupation, trusted contact, account balances, and transaction activity."
"All customers who are potentially affected will be contacted directly," said the company.
- "Shakepay is contacting relevant local and regulatory authorities, and will be working closely with law enforcement to support its investigation into the individuals behind this incident. Our investigation is ongoing."