SimLN v0.1.0: Payment Activity Generator for the Lightning Network
"SimLN is a tool that simulates random payment activity on any test lightning network setup. It aims to make it easier to test applications and proposals against networks that are actively processing payments."

- "SimLN is a tool for simulating active lightning networks in any test environment: regtest or signet, local or cloud," announced Carla Kirk-Cohen.
- "This tool is intended to serve developers who are familiar with lightning network development."
"SimLN is setup agnostic. It can run on any test environment: local dev, signet, polar, scaling lightning, and the like!"
- "If you want to more precisely control the activity it generates, you can also configure specific payment flows like: send 100k from Alice to Bob every hour."
- "If you need help setting up a test network, we suggest Polar for beginners or Scaling Lightning for larger deployments."
Here's a quick tutorial on how to run SimLN with Scaling Lightning by Max Edwards.