Simple Bitcoin Wallet (SBW) To Drop Lightning In Next Release

Simple Bitcoin Wallet (aka SBW) is an open-source and non-custodial Bitcoin wallet for Android devices.

Simple Bitcoin Wallet (SBW) To Drop Lightning In Next Release
  • "SBW will continue but as chain only wallet. Lightning Network will be completely removed in next [major] release (2.5), a warning has been issued in current release (2.4.28)."
  • "The reasons are as follows in order of importance:

    1. I no longer have time or resources to keep continuously evolving LN protocol up to date in SBW.
    2. I fail to see LN taking off in any meaningful capacity over the years and consider it a technically troubled market mismatch."
"Previous plan was just to abandon it all but afterall chain part takes little time to maintain and deserves to exist," added the wallet's developer.

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