Simple Bitcoin Wallet v2.5.1: RBF/CPFP for Hardware Wallets
Simple Bitcoin Wallet (SBW) is an open-source and non-custodial Bitcoin wallet for Android devices.

- "New SBW nostr key is npub1chxa2um7gl65ymyaagjrqys39mtzlwnm2drcs6qkqmme7k4edq4qghrjdd, you can trust it this time, I've encrypted it myself."
- "Twitter account will only be used for announcements from now on. All discussion, if any, will be happening on Nostr. Eventually this account will be fully deprecated."
What's new
- CPFP, RBF boosting and cancelling are now enabled for hardware wallets, too.
- Much lighter and more logical interface, a lot of UI/UX improvements.
- LN support has been dropped as of v2.5: "Users who still have LN channels will be offered to close them, otherwise LN is no more usable."