Sparrow Wallet v1.8.6: Wallet Search Improvements, Mix from Postmix & More
Sparrow is a free and open source desktop Bitcoin wallet focused on security and privacy. v1.8.6 comes with wallet search improvements, all open wallets summary, option to mix from the Postmix account, support for importing a Samourai backup file, and more.

Sparrow Wallet v1.8.6 has been released. This version:
- Improves the search functionality available from the View menu, supporting searches across multiple addresses and transaction ids, editing of labels within the search dialog, and exporting search results to CSV.
- The wallet summary dialog available from the View menu can now show the total balance of all open wallets, including a chart to view their overall changes over time.
- "Further improvements include the option to mix from the Postmix account, finer adjustments to fee rate using mouse scroll over the fee rate slider, support for importing a Samourai backup file, and much more," announced the project.
What's new
- Improvements to the Search Wallet dialog:
- Allow label editing
- Add copy context menu to Date/Address/Output column
- Support searching on multiple addresses, txids and UTXOs in a search phrase separated by spaces
- Make the the dialog non-modal (can interact with wallet window) but allow only a single instance
- Add a button to export the search results in a CSV
- Add Show All Wallets Summary to show the balance of all open wallets, along with a combined balance chart
- Add the Mix Selected button to the UTXOs tab of the Postmix account in desktop and terminal
- Add wallet import for the Samourai backup export file
- Support changing the frame rate of animated QRs using mouse scroll on the QR image
- Add fine (0.01 sats/vb) adjustment control on the fee rate slider when using mouse scroll
- Change Transactions and UTXOs CSV export to use UTC timezone for dates
- Parse output descriptors with missing fingerprints in the key origin information
- Allow editing of the output descriptor of a new account on a watch only wallet
- Close any non-modal dialogs on application close
- Improve copy context menus on the Receive tab
- Unminimize a minimized existing app window if a second instance is launched
- Show Discover button when adding accounts on a Bitcoin Core connection, but warn user account discovery is not generally supported if no accounts are found
- Fall back to Coldcard singlesig importer if multisig format import fails
- Add user write permissions to JVM legal files
- Bug fix: Fix network enum error on startup in signet
- Bug fix: Fix issue where gap limit was not increased when wallet could partially sign a transaction
- Bug fix: Handle null proxy configuration when fetching the proxy server
- Bug fix: Maintain a strong reference to the key derivation service until action completion
- Bug fix: Fix showing multiple password dialogs on BIP47 paynym wallet linking
- Bug fix: Fix freeze on account settings tab when loading wallet type icon
- Bug fix: Add additional check against existing child wallet names when suggesting new accounts to add