Releases Mostro CLI v0.10.0: Range Orders Fix, Rewards Board Mostro is a Lightning Network peer-to-peer exchange platform on Nostr.
Releases Zeus v0.9.0-alpha5: Purchase Channels in Advance, BOLT 12 Offers & LN Addresses for CLN ZEUS is a mobile Bitcoin and Lightning wallet, and a remote node manager for LND and Core Lightning. Available on Android and iOS.
Releases Stratum V2 Reference Implementation (SRI) v1.0.1: Patch Release Stratum V2 is a next-generation bitcoin mining protocol designed to enhance the efficiency, security, flexibility and decentralization. SRI is fully open-source, community-developed, independent of any single entity, aiming to be fully compatible with Stratum V2 Specification.
Releases Lightning Loop v0.28.2-beta: Breaking Changes in Loopd Lightning Loop is a non-custodial service offered by Lightning Labs that makes it easy to move bitcoin into and out of the Lightning Network.
Releases v0.1.2: Categories & Latest Releases uses nostr to establish identity, linking release artifacts to social profiles validated by the web of trust (WoT). This enables secure installs, new app discoverability layer and developer monetization via zaps.
Releases Foundation Passport Firmware v2.3.1: Theya, Zeus, Coinbits Integrations Passport is a secure, open source hardware wallet for Bitcoin that puts extra focus on usability and design.
Releases New on Geyser: Bitfiasi, Bands at Bitcoin '24 Nashville, My First Bitcoin Canada Discover and support to some of the latest Bitcoin grassroots projects and initiatives launched via the Geyser crowdfunding platform.
Releases Bisq2 v2.0.4: Offerbook List, Tor Improvements Bisq 2 is the successor to Bisq v1. It has been developed from the ground up to support multiple trade protocols, networks, and identities via a single decentralized exchange platform.
Releases Blockstream Green Desktop v2.0.6: QR Unlock for Jade Blockstream Green desktop is a feature-rich Bitcoin and Liquid wallet. It is also available for Android and iOS, and it is based on GDK, Blockstream's cross-platform wallet library.
Releases Nix Bitcoin v0.0.108 Released nix-bitcoin is a collection of Nix packages and NixOS modules for easily installing full-featured Bitcoin nodes with an emphasis on security.
Releases Blockstream Jade v1.0.30: Miniscript Support Blockstream Jade firmware is a free and open source software powering Jade signing devices.
Releases Bitcoin Optech #304: Upgrading LN Channels Without Closing & Reopening & More This issue covers proposals for upgrading LN channels without closing/reopening them, appropriate payouts for pool miners, safe usage of PSBTs for communicating about silent payments, and announces a proposal of a BIP for miniscript, and more.