Tor Browser v12.0.5: Updates & Bug Fixes
This release updates Firefox to 102.10.0esr, and includes various bug fixes, stability improvements and important security updates.

Full changelog since Tor Browser 12.0.4:
- All Platforms
- Updated Translations
- Updated NoScript to 11.4.21
- Updated Go to 11.9.8
- Bug tor-browser#41688: Rebase Tor Browser Stable to 102.10.0esr - Windows + macOS + Linux
- Updated Firefox to 102.10esr
- Bug tor-browser#41526: "Cancel" button when establishing a connection should be grey - Android
- Updated GeckoView to 102.10esr
Bug tor-browser#41724: Backport Android-specific security fixes from Firefox 112 to ESR 102.10-based Tor Browser - Build System
- Windows: Bug tor-browser-build#40822: The Tor Browser installer doesn't run with mandatory ASLR on (0xc000007b)
- Linux: Bug tor-browser-build#40828: Use for jessie
- Bug tor-browser-build#40835: Update faketime URLs in projects/container-image/config