Trezor Suite v23.6.1: Smoother Coinjoin Process
The June 2023 update of Trezor Suite to 23.6.1 brings candidate transactions for a smoother coinjoin process, UI improvements, and bug fixes.

- "New coinjoin candidate transactions notifications for a smoother coinjoin process. This shows that you have signed a transaction and it is waiting for a coinjoin round that has not happened yet."
- "We have restructured the Trezor Suite Guide for enhanced navigation. This upgrade will streamline your user experience, making it more straightforward to locate vital information within the Trezor Suite application."
- "We have restructured the Trezor Suite Guide for enhanced navigation. This upgrade will streamline your user experience, making it more straightforward to locate vital information within the Trezor Suite application."
- "We've introduced an improved user interface, specifically for the display of account public keys. This new enhancement allow you to view XPUBs from remembered wallets. Please be aware that appropriate warnings are in place to ensure an additional layer of security; they remind users to be certain that their addresses are correct by always verifying the details on the Trezor's screen."
- Enabled labeling on remembered hidden wallets
- Resolved auto-update stuck on 100%.