Trezor Suite v23.8.1: Coinjoin for Model One
Trezor extended Coinjoin feature to its flagship Model One.

- "We've been working tirelessly to enhance your user experience, and we're thrilled to introduce this month’s updates."
What's new
- Coinjoin now available for all Trezors including Trezor Model One.
- Little Hodler wallpapers in the Trezor Model T homescreen gallery.
- Reboot to bootloader without needing to reconnect the Trezor Model T.
- Just Stop in place of Pause and Cancel in coinjoin account.
- Coinjoin confirmation page with Terms & Conditions only shown once per T&C version.
- Reduced installation file size.
- ETH bump fee now shows current gas price.
- Eliminated possible window stretch on Model One PIN entry modal.
- Transaction details now don't display a negative amount for incoming transactions.