Trezor Suite v23.9.3: Simplified Bitcoin-only Firmware UI
Trezor Suite is an official Trezor hardware wallet companion app by Trezor.

- "We're bringing new community language versions, namely Italian and Hungarian. Huge thanks to our community for their help."
- "Bitcoin only firmware user interface made even simpler (as if holding Bitcoin is easy enough...)."
- "We have improved the detection of coinjoin accounts, and as always, there are a few other small improvements and bug fixes."
What's new
- Clear distinguishing between official and community languages
- Hungarian and Italian community languages added, thank you community!
- Simplified Bitcoin only firmware user interface
- Independent coinjoin account discovery
- Sepolia testnet support (Ethereum)
- Improved behaviour when Passphrase feature is disabled
- XPUB display while connecting device flow fixed