Trident Vault Launched Open Beta on Testnet
Trident is AnchorWatch's multisig coordinator, leveraging miniscript for more advanced Bitcoin smart contracts.

- "Today we are launching the Testnet Open Beta of Trident Vault, the Bitcoin coordinator solution we have been building at @AnchorWatch for more robust enable more robust Bitcoin Security by leveraging miniscript."
- Check it out at
- "The vision @BeccaAmilee and I have at @AnchorWatch is to redefine how custody is done today in Bitcoin such that custody can be paired with Insurance."
- "Bitcoin custody best practices have moved from computers -> paper wallets -> single hardware wallets -> multisig. This is the next step."
- "How do we use Miniscript at @AnchorWatch? Better custody. How does miniscript accomplish this? Take a legacy 2 of 3 multisig. If 2 keys are lost, the money is gone forever and no refunds. There is a better way via: 1) Social Recovery 2) Multi Institutional Custody."
- "Social Recovery: You can use Miniscript such that by default, you are in control of your Bitcoin. This is what we call, "Layer 1". In the event your Bitcoin has not moved in a year, a second layer activates, where peers who you chose can come together as a 2 of 3 for recovery."
- "Multi Institutional Custody: The term "keysets" is a multisig held at a single institution. This enables internal risk distribution at an institution. Next is a multisig of multisigs. To spend at layer 1, 3 keysets must sign, external risk distribution! This can be further expanded upon with key hierarchies, where a particular key within an institution can have seniority, and be required to sign within a key set."
- "Here is the initial template we are launching for the Beta. It was designed for the beta to encourage interactivity, with short time lock durations and many required signers. It starts off as a 3 of 3, and then after 3 days becomes a 2 of 3, and after 1 week becomes a 1 of 3."

- "Trident works today with Ledger, COLDCARD MK4 (with edge firmware), or the specter DIY."
- "We have a testnet faucet live which wills end you coins to expedite your beta testing, and if you wish, you can verify the deposit address on your hardware wallet!"
- "All of our bitcoin architecture is built on BDK (we're using 1.0!), its a true force multiplier for a small team like us to execute on such a big vision."
- "If you want to provide feedback on Trident, or coordinate with others to do some group signing sessions, we set up a Telegram channel here."