Tropic Square TROPIC01: Open Architecture, Tamper-proof RISC-V Secure Element

Tropic Square, a startup backed by SatoshiLabs — the company behind Trezor signing devices — unveiled its final pre-production samples before the mass production and market launch of their open-source TROPIC01 secure element.

Tropic Square TROPIC01: Open Architecture, Tamper-proof RISC-V Secure Element
  • TROPIC01 is an open architecture RISC-V secure element (SE) that provides a hardware Root of Trust for embedded systems, ensuring security and preventing tampering.
  • Within its secure perimeter, TROPIC01 enables cryptographic key management, digital identity, and secure data storage for critical applications in devices such as hardware wallets, authentication systems, and other IoT products.
  • Tropic Square’s goal with the design and production of the TROPIC01 chip is to create an open-source security chip for use in Bitcoin hardware.
  • Tropic Square, located in Prague, Czech Republic, offers an alternative for European manufacturers concerned about trust issues with US or Chinese closed-source secure elements.
  • The chip stands out for its transparent auditability. Experts, customers, and the open-source community are able to conduct testing, with results publicly disclosed for independent verification.
  • The company also provides an SDK and software driver for the external host to communicate with TROPIC01. Resources, including firmware, an STM32 example, and information about upcoming evaluation boards, can be found on the company's GitHub page.
  • Visit the product page for more details and to request and order samples.

Key highlights and features

Block diagram of TROPIC01.

Website (order samples here)
Product Brief
CNX Software Article / Archive
GitHub Repo