Nostr Client to Interact with Data Vending Machines is a Nostr client for interacting with data vending machines. Nostr Client to Interact with Data Vending Machines
  • is a  nostr client to interact with data vending machines. It contains:

    - Home page: a feed of "global" data vending machine activity;
    - See the DVM requests you published;
    - See the results you received. let's you:

  • "Create generic job chains so you can do, well, anything:

    - Create a personalized trending topics list based on what you've written in the past week;
    - Create transcription of 10 podcasts and compile them into a TL;DR of 5 paragraphs;
    - Create AI images based on the content of every note you've written in the past week;
    - Summarize what topics your network has been most actively discussing in the past 24 hours into a well-formatted one-pager."
  • "You can also build on someone else's result (just use someone else's job as an input with the "add job" button)" and "you'll be able to collaboratively fund a job (crowdzapping 😂)," PabloF7z said.

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