Volt Wallet: A Modern Descriptor-based Financial Freedom Bitcoin Wallet

Volt is a mobile descriptor-based "Financial Freedom Wallet" that focuses on self-custody, privacy and sleek UI/UX. Available on Android and iOS (iOS beta Testflight coming soon).

Volt Wallet: A Modern Descriptor-based Financial Freedom Bitcoin Wallet
  • Bitcoin Core contributor and  CEO & CTO at Recursive Capital, Abubakar Nur Khalil, announced Volt Wallet at the Oslo Freedom Forum 2024.
"The idea is to test case all the current tech that we have in a really consolidative form so that users not necessarily have to go through the whole process of onboarding and understanding what is self-custody and what is not... The idea is to make sure we usher in a new set of bitcoiners who have privacy and all the things that guarantee the actual use cases that we talk to them about with regards to bitcoin," said the developer.
  • Download the wallet's APK here.

Disclaimer: Volt is still in Beta, do not use it for large amounts of Bitcoin.

Key features

  • Descriptor-based HD wallet (wpkh(KEY)pkh(KEY)sh(wpkh(KEY))tr(KEY))
  • BoltCard/BoltRing LNURL-Withdraw
  • Watch Only support
  • Partially Signed Bitcoin Transactions (PSBTs) and Fee Bumping (RBF)
  • Lightning Network support (BOLT11 & LNURL)
  • Internal Wallet Lightning Swaps (Onchain<>Lighting)
  • Multi-lingual (en, ar)
  • More soon...
Source: @JosefTetek

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