Volt Wallet v0.4.5-beta.1: Fixes & Improvements

Volt is a mobile descriptor-based "Financial Freedom Wallet" that focuses on self-custody, privacy and sleek UI/UX. Available on Android.

Volt Wallet v0.4.5-beta.1: Fixes & Improvements
  • "Volt v0.4.5-beta.1 is out. This release includes numerous fixes from v0.4.4-beta.1, the following updates, and more," announced the project.

NOTE: Volt is still in Beta, do not use it for large amounts.

What's new

  • Updated Home PIN screen to standard PIN display.
  • Updated Breez SDK to v0.5.2.
  • Updated RN to v0.74.5.
  • Updated deviceKey & deviceCert in Breez SDK config to developerKey & developerCert to match GreenlightCredentials which uses developer_key & developer_cert in Breez SDK v0.5.2.
  • Added button radius for pin input.
  • Update wording for LN Address quick action from Zap.
  • Take out Backup haptic vibrations.


  • Fix connection to Breez (cold boot much faster).
  • Reports error when blank BoltCard scanned.
  • Bumped ws dependency to v8.17.1 to fix DOS vulnerability.
  • Fixed Backup screen styling for smaller screens [#9].
  • Fixed scanned non-expired and non-self-payment BOLT11 not displaying send button.
  • Fix PINPass styling for more screens sizes [#9].
  • Fix Mnemonic backup screen styling [#5].
  • Fixed issue with PSBT generation and address self check.
  • Fixed display RBF button when unconfirmed RBF tx.
  • Fixed onchain conf calculation issue.
  • Fixed Bitcoin anthro UI display error in PIN reset.
  • Fixed styling for reset PIN in regular screen wallet, top bottom margin not low enough.
  • Fixed RN list render issue (caused from long tx list, using virtualizedList now).
  • Fixed LNURL parsing (LNURL W & Pay).
  • Fixed block conf logic (no longer showing 1 confs).

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