Wasabi Wallet v2.0.5: ShopinBit Integration
Wasabi is an open-source, non-custodial Bitcoin wallet with privacy features.

Note: Wasabi Wallet sends all coinjoin input transactions to a chain surveillance partner.
- "The 2.0.5 release of Wasabi Wallet includes a “Buy Anything” button that allows you to literally buy ANYTHING (legal)."
- "Just click on the “Buy Anything” button next to the “Send” and “Receive” buttons in your wallet to start a chat conversation with ShopinBit’s professional concierge team."
"With the click of a button you can now request the purchase of physical and digital goods, while protecting your privacy and revealing as little information about you as possible. Let your personal team of butlers find, arrange and ship the products you are looking for. From phones, to cars, even hotels and flights, get it all with Wasabi's new Buy Anything Button."
- "We’d like to thank the Shopinbit team for making this possible through their Premium Concierge Service, which allows you to buy anything and get it delivered anywhere. They’re based in Poland and are Europe’s largest Bitcoin store, but they ship worldwide. "
- "You have a direct communication channel from your Wasabi Wallet client application to Shopinbit’s servers. zkSNACKs (Wasabi’s development company) can’t see anything exchanged on this channel and doesn’t know anything about your orders."
"For now, the minimum total order price is USD 1,000. There is no limit per se, but only VIP customers can place orders for more than USD 60,000. VIP customers must have at least one previous shopping experience through ShopinBit’s Concierge service."
- "All requests are handled manually by ShopinBit’s team and sometimes need to be reviewed with legal counsel."
- To learn more about the ShopinBit company and team, click here.