Wasabi Wallet v2.0.6: Jade and BitBox02 Support, Safety Coinjoin & Performance Improvements
Wasabi Wallet’s latest release adds new hardware devices, privacy and performance improvements, and more.

- This release contains significant performance and privacy improvements and It adds compatibility for two popular open-source hardware devices: Blockstream Jade and BitBox02.
“This juggernaut of a release comes packed with all kinds of performance improvements. The wallet is faster to load, the UI is more responsive, and coins get more privacy for less blockspace. Safety coinjoins are introduced to protect new users from undoing their privacy progress. Thanks to the contributors for putting this one together,” said Max Hillebrand, CEO of zkSNACKs and Wasabi Wallet Contributor.
Editor note: Wasabi Wallet sends all coinjoin input transactions to a chain surveillance partner.
What's new
- New Hardware Support. "The update adds support for Blockstream Jade and BitBox02, allowing users to combine the security of cold storage with the privacy benefits of coinjoin transactions within the same desktop application."
- Safety Coinjoin Feature. "Aiming at improving privacy for new users, the Safety Coinjoin feature ensures at least two coinjoin rounds for the first Bitcoin deposit into an empty wallet, preventing common coin consolidation errors."
- Enhanced RPC Server. "The RPC server now offers 11 new calls, including a unique feature for payments within coinjoins, improving privacy and fee efficiency. The RPC server enhancements also include better accessibility over Tor with configurable ports."
- Performance Upgrades. "Launch times and overall performance of the desktop app have been significantly improved, reducing CPU and memory usage by half and slashing wallet load time by at least 60%. These improvements are especially beneficial for users with HDD computers."
- User Experience Enhancements. "Users can now directly rename wallets from the interface, benefit from clearer privacy warnings, and enjoy a streamlined wallet creation flow. Additional features like automatic closure of success screens and expanded discreet mode further enhance the user experience."
- Cross-Wallet Performance. "For businesses and users managing large wallets with lots of activity along with smaller wallets: cross-wallet performance was improved to run distinct wallets in parallel on the same computer."
- Framework and GUI Improvements. "The software was upgraded to Avalonia 11 bringing numerous performance benefits for the GUI. .NET 8 was also a major framework upgrade."
- Bug Fixes and Security. "Nix flake was configured to improve the backend deployment flow from GitHub for users looking to run their own coordinator. UI memory leaks have been fixed. The Coldcard hardware device edge firmware integration had bug fixes. The PGP key to securely report software vulnerabilities was changed. "