Wasabi Wallet v2.2.0: Taproot Receive Addresses, Free Coordinators & More

Wasabi Wallet is a free and open-source, privacy-focused Bitcoin wallet for desktop.

Wasabi Wallet v2.2.0: Taproot Receive Addresses, Free Coordinators & More
  • This version of Wasabi Wallet comes with new features such as Taproot receive addresses, faster transaction broadcasting, improved CPFP fee estimation, help with coordinator setup, the ability to use a pruned node in the backend, and more.
  • A significant change in this release is the discontinuation of paying fees to CoinJoin coordinators to avoid unknown incentives and limit user risk. Only fee-free coordinators are now supported.
    • Read more about it in a blog post here.

NOTE: Starting with Wasabi v2.2.0, the backend now utilizes SQLite to store and retrieve compact filters. As a result, operators need to migrate their old plain text filters to the new SQLite format. A quick guide is available here.

What's new

  • Taproot receive addresses. Users can now generate taproot receiving addresses, which are 16% cheaper to spend than native segwit inputs. Taproot also allows Bitcoin nodes to verify signatures faster than legacy ones, boosting network speed.
  • Faster transaction broadcasting. More sophisticated transaction broadcasting mechanism now sends transactions to multiple nodes in parallel via the Tor network, speeding up the process. Failed transactions are quickly detected, halving the time it takes for users to send coins.
  • Help to setup and find a coordinator. A new message now appears when no coordinator is configured, providing guidance on how to find and set one up.
  • More accurate CPFP fee estimation. The CPFP feature now considers the fee paid by the parent transaction. Previously, the child transaction assumed the parent paid 0 sats in fees, leading to overpayment.
  • Free coordinators only. To avoid unknown incentives and limit user risk, the coordination fee concept has been removed. Only coinjoin coordinators that do not charge a coordination fee are now supported.
    • Read more about the rationale behind removing the coordinator fee here.
  • Backend optimizations. Users running a Wasabi backend can now use a pruned node, resulting in significant CPU/RAM savings.

Full Changelogv2.1.0.0...v2.2.0.0

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