Zeus v0.8.0-beta2: Improvements and Fixes
Zeus is a self-custodial mobile Lightning wallet with an embedded node, Lightning service provider, and self-custodial lightning addresses.

What's new in v0.8.0-beta2
- ZEUS PAY: Replace attestation icons with colorblind-friendly versions
- ZEUS PAY: Auto redeem enhancements
- Channels pane: Added clock icon to Button in WalletHeader to indicate pending channels
- AddressUtils: Lightning Address validation: handle uppercase chars
- [Display bug] Seed: explicitly create two columns
- [Bug fix] Balance sliders: Readded styles for vertical align
- [Bug fix] Lightning Address Settings: Nostr relays: update relays_sig on relay deletion
- [Bug fix] Sending Lightning: fix wrong display of Zaplocker warning
What's Changed
- Bump crypto-js from 4.1.1 to 4.2.0 by @dependabot in #1800
- Bump browserify-sign from 4.2.1 to 4.2.2 by @dependabot in #1805
- Balance sliders: Readded styles for vertical align by @myxmaster in #1791
- [Bug fix] Lightning Address Settings: Nostr relays: update relays_sig on relay deletion by @kaloudis in #1793
- [Bug fix] Sending Lightning: fix wrong display of Zaplocker warning by @kaloudis in #1794
- Channels pane: Added clock icon to Button in WalletHeader in case there are pending channels by @myxmaster in #1796
- AddressUtils: Lightning Address validation: handle uppercase chars by @kaloudis in #1802
- [Display bug] Seed: explicitly create two columns by @kaloudis in #1795
- ZEUS PAY: Auto redeem enhancements by @kaloudis in #1797
- ZEUS PAY: Replace attestation icons with colorblind-friendly versions by @myxmaster in #1808
Full Changelog: v0.8.0-beta1...v0.8.0-beta2